Many people struggle to learn a new language. This can result in lower grades for students or the frustration of not being able to talk to people from different cultures.
By leveraging powerful language learning principles, KLOO helps you to learn hundreds of words and shows you how to make thousands of sentences.
To rapidly start speaking a new language we recommend that you select a deck of KLOO cards (such as the Places & Travel deck) and play with it three times. After three games, you’ll know all (or nearly all) of the words in that deck and it will be time to move on to a new one (such as Eating & Drinking). Keep playing and having fun and very soon you will have learned hundreds of useful words and be able to make tens of thousands of sentences.
KLOO was created to help my own children learn a language. Just as I did, they were struggling at school. As a games designer I decided to create a special game that made learning languages as easy as possible for them – and a lot more fun. My kids loved it and persuaded me to make it available to others. I hope you have as much fun playing KLOO as we did. They did go on to ace their grades!
KLOO is still a family business. If you want to drop me a line, you can send it to me direct at: andrew at kloogame dot com. I hope to hear from you soon, Andrew 🙂